Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank you Thank you Thank you

At our Meeting on March 16th we were able to fill all the easter eggs, assemble 45 hygeine kits, visit the Retirement Home, and see Kyle Guatimala Presentation! We could not have done all this without the help and support from so many wonderful youth and groups in our community! We love and appreciate you all! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

These great pictures are from the wonderful retreat on Feb. 26th. Chet and Leanne Tripp let us have some great experiences at their gym, and they shared some cool stories from their lives.

Some Fun YC Pictures

What a good lookin' group of kids! You're so awesome! More than 2300 hours of volunteer work will benefit our community this year!
Fire Prevention Night at the Fire Station!

Legislator Day January 26th! We were priviledged to hear Larry Gelwix- the Rugby Coach speak, and meet Gary Thorup a lobbyist, and Mr. Christensen- Sandy Representative!

Sledding was lots of fun in January! Oranges, and treats, races down the hill and of course hot chocolate to warm up those freezing fingers!

Mayor for March is Drake Thompson!

We just had a fabulous Retreat thanks for Tami for planning such a great day full of motivational speakers like Chet and Leanne Tripp, and Hiedi Crocket! We loved the gym and had a great lunch, and then ended the evening with movie "Glory Road".

We will start filling easter-eggs on March 16th meeting so plan to stay abit longer if you can. Pizza provided for dinner! Tell anyone you know... friends, scout troops, activity day groups, school clubs, etc. because we can use all the help! I figure it'll take us about 3 hours!

Also, on March 19th we have the opportunity to tour the Roadhome Homeless shelter. If you want to come along meet at my house at 8:45 on saturday morning! We will be dropping off hygeine kits for them!

Thanks again to all of you wonderful YC kids! Thanks for your help with Literacy Night Mar. 3rd. You guys are amazing!