Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm so PROUD of you KIDS!

Good job on the Lighting Ceremony! Word from the City YC Representative was that you left the hot chocolate trailer in perfect condition, and everyone was so helpful with the children that stood in line for Santa, and the piano sounded fantastic! So PROUD- good job!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Lighting Ceremony on December 6th. All of you who are serving hot cocoa, please come at 5:15, everyone else can come at 5:30. Wear your black shirts so you look official!!

Our Mayor for December is Sara Harward. Good job to Brianna for November's Mayor.

Kids who'll be reporting in City Council Meeting Dec. 7th at 7:00 are Wyatt Hinck, Bryce Allen, Katelynn Davidson, and Mike Russell.

The official dates for Legislator Day and Leadership Conference are Jan. 26th, and March 10-12th. Please pay your $50.00 for Legislator Day by Dec. 15th

Our Movie Night/ Christmas Party is coming up. We'll announce date at meeting. Thanks Youth Council. You're amazing!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Calendar

First... a big thanks to all who came and supported the PTA to hang up Art at Lakeside! It went fast! Also, thanks to all who came bright and early Saturday morning to put flags on the graves and put on the Veterans Program! You are wonderful!

We need Brianne Christensen, Sara Harward, Sarah Zvonkovic, Trent Yeates, and Drake Thompson to report at our City Council mtg. on November 16th at 7:00.

We will be meeting at 5:00 instead on 5:30 on the 17th for our meeting so that we can help distribute fliers for the fundraiser of an individual in our community who needs a 3-organ transplant-$80,000 surgery! I'll tell you more about it on the 17th. Come if you can! At 5:45 we get to hear from Gary Hill who will speak to us on "How a City functions". Also, remember we will be visiting the Retirement Home at 6:00. Bring a card or letter for your assigned door. If you forgot that's OK- I'll let you know! Get ready for the Lighting ceremony on the 6th of Dec. We get to serve hot cocoa and take pictures of the children with Santa!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November is here!

Friday Nov. 5th we've been asked to help set up Art displays at Lakeside Elementary! Come at 3:30 and remember all these volunteer hours add up for the Presidential Service Award at the end of the YC year (Oct.)

Our meeting Wed. will mostly be spent going over plans for the Veteran Program. It's on Saturday at 9:00. Come at 8:00 am to set flags on graves then the program will begin at 9:00 at the Cemetary.

Our November Officers are:

Mayor- Brianne Christensen
Mayor Pro-Tem- Wyatt Hinck
City Recorder- Breanna Walter
Head Chair- Austin Morris
Historian- Brad Allen
Public Relations- Kimbree Brower
City Manager- Nathan Seffker
Treasurer- Brayden Bouwmeester

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's a full week!

Hey all you new Youth Council Kids, we are so excited to meet you! Swear-in ceremony is Tues. at 7:00. Friday we get to make a haunted house for the carnival that night. If you're interested come at 3:00 or as soon as you can and decorate with us. Bring anything you want to use... handcuffs, plastic rats, caution tape, etc. Come that night at 6:30 to volunteer- whether you'll be in the haunted house or at a game station, you're all welcome and NEEDED! Saturday is going to be a blast. We're meeting at City Hall at 10:00-5:00 for an all-day retreat. We'll be planning the year, games, lunch, and fun. Then that night we'll meet at the City Hall for rides to Kaysville Theater for a movie. So fun. I hope you'll be there. any questions call me.

Monday, October 4, 2010

October is here!

Very exciting events up ahead as we swear in a new group of Youth Council Kids! Oct. 6th is the night for all who are interested in being officers! Come at 5:30 and we'll casually discuss responsibilities for the new year! Also, if you'd like to stay and volunteer at the fire prevention night please do! It's from 6:00-8:00 at the Fire Station!

The swearing-in ceremony is Oct. 19th at 7:00! Everyone come, and bring your parents too! This is so cool! Pictures with Mayor Craythorne and a brief meeting after to discuss the year.

Events to follow include Halloween Carnival Oct. 22nd, and All-day Retreat Oct. 23rd! I hope you can all make it! Sooo fun!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fire Prevention Night

Hey guys guess what? We've been asked to volunteer right behind the Ciy Hall fom 6:00-8:00 on October 6th at the Fire Station. We need someone to wear the Sparky, and the Smokey Bear costume, and others to help with cookies and punch, and games. Please contact me if you want to be in costume- 776-9164.

Also, our movie night will be Friday Sept. 24th. Sorry for the confusion! Hope you all can make it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Awards Banquet

Hey guys... it's time for the Party! Friday September 17th is a movir party at City Hall from 7:00- 10:00. So bring your friends, treats and a good movie. We'll decide which one to watch when we get there. Oh and hey, free snow cones for everyone!

Also it's time for the Awards Banquet on Wednesday September 15th. I hope you all make it, and bring your family! A light dinner will be served!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Summer Games

Summer Games was a blast.

We have some planning to do at our meeting on Wednesday! On Saturday at 3:00 is the Summer Games event. All the youth councils have been invited and we anticipate a great turnout!

Also, don't forget the Senior Dinner on Friday at 5:00. wear your black shirt and jeans.

Please write all your volunteer hours down for me to send in for the Presidential awards!

Thanks to all those who volunteered for the Summer Fest! It was great.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Volunteers needed

Hey kids... we've got some awesome opportunities ahead. Bountiful Summer Fest is in need of security guards and grounds volunteers for Friday, August 6th. Meet at my house at 9:00 AM on Friday morning and I'll take you. We'll be back at 12:00!

Also, They need servers for the Senior Dinner on aug 20th at 5:30, and again on the 4th of Sept. We'll talk more at our meeting- Wed. Aug. 4th.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What a success!

Well folks, the 4th of July Celebrations were awesome. You all did great. Thanks for volunteering and showing up for your appointed time. Those who did not, I hope all is well and you were not sick or something. Those who couldn't make it, and called to let us know....THANK YOU!

There will be no meeting tonight, July 7th due to a busy week for all! Please plan on attending July 21st. We will be planning our Summer Games, and discussing a service project. Thank you everyone!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

July is here!

I hope everyone is ready to celebrate and volunteer! Please come to the church on 2300 W. 550 N. no later than 7:45 on Saturday morning for the parade line-up. Your shirt will be there ready to pull over the one you'll be wearing! Candy will be provided, so just show-up and remember to smile big and wave. "Just smile and wave boys"- name that movie at our next meeting and get a prize. Also, please go help at the park with face painting and supervising blow-up toys. Look for Hilary to sign-up for times! Any questions call me- 801-776-9164

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Teacher Appreciation Assembly

Last week on April 29th the Academy Awards for the Teachers at Lakeside Elementary went wonderfully well. We appreciate all who could take time off and be there! It was a great success.

MAY is here!

Our meeting went really well on May 5th. We assembled 48 Hygeine kits that will be donated to the Homeless shelter in Salt Lake. On May 14th we are having a skating party at the Ice Sheet in Ogden. Be there at 7:00 if you can. Please have a ride to and from this event. I hope you all make it. It will be tons of fun.

At our next meeting on May 19th we will be planting flowers at the Retirement home. Bring shovels and gloves. Thanks again all you awesome Youth Council Kids.

Pride in West Point Day

Pulling black plastic from along fence

Hats off to al of you.

Thanks to all those who supported this event on May 1st. Weeding along the Bluff went well, very cold weather... my hat off to all of you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

News News News

Easter Hunt was a great success. Thank you for all your help wonderful council members!
This was our book sorting/ donation project that went to ChristmasBox, Africa English Schools, and Safe Harbor. Even the Local Elementary School enjoyed recieving some books.

We so appreciate everyone that attended the monthly visit to the Retirement Home. It was a wonderful service opportunity as usual.

ALL Youth Council members that can attend the Teacher Appreciation Assembly, it will be Thursday at 8:30- 10:15. You'll need rides to and from, and don't forget to wear your Youth Council t-shirt. We will be handing out the gifts to the teachers as they come up, performing "We're going to be friends" by the WhiteStripes, and leading the children in applauding their teachers. The assembly is a mini- Academy Awards for the teachers.

On May 1st, we will be helping pull weeds along the Bluff Trail. This volunteer work will be joined as a community in "Pride in West Point Day". We may also be asked to serve the donutes/juice if they need us. Just meet at the City Hall at 9:00.

We have a FaceBook site now. Just request West Point and sign up! She's a lovely girl!!!:)

Now, last but not least... we are planning a Youth Council Skate night at the Ice Sheet in Ogden. The tentative date is May 14th at 7:00. You will be responsible for getting to and from the event.

The 2-day art camp doesn't look like it will happen. Our City Manager did not approve it.:(

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

With 10,000 eggs to fill, our Youth Council should definetly be commended! We also had a terrific turn-out at 8:00 am to spread the eggs in the different age divisions! I am so grateful, and very proud of all of you. Thank you so very much.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March is Here!

O.K. folks... CONGRATULATIONS! We filled more than half of the eggs last night at the meeting. We only have about 4,000 more to go! WOOHOO! The egg hunt is scheduled for April 3rd at 9:00AM. Be there at 8:00 to help spread eggs, and set-up!

Next meeting on March 17th... St. Patricks Day cookies and treats!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Febuary is here!

Just a little reminder that we will be frosting cookies and delivering them at the Retirement Home for our next meeting! Happy Valentines to everyone! Also, remember you get a candybar if you or someone you know does an essay! All essays are due Feb. 12th, and will be judged by the secretary's at city hall.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hey Youth Council Kids.... the essay contest is up and running! If you arranged to have a poster put in your school, please keep an eye on them until the contest is over. The theme is "Why I Love My City" and all entrys are due to the city hall by Feb.12th. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
This is a one-page essay, sponsored by West Point Youth Council. Put name and phone number on back of essay.

Tonights meeting is a treat. Gary Hill will speak to us about "how a bill is passed". After the meeting, we will be attending the Retirement Home.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January is here!!

Wow, the new year has started. Meeting attendance has been a great success! I look forward to seeing you all tonight. We will discuss some upcoming issues and events! We'll always be done by 6:00 on the first Wednesdays meeting, and 6:30 on the third Wednesdays meeting.

Our last meeting on December 16th went very well at the Retirement Home. The Elderly were especially happy to recieve fuzzy blankets and books for Christmas. Thanks to all who attended and took part in any way. They also very much enjoyed the music! Thanks kids for sharing your talents!