Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hey Youth Council Kids.... the essay contest is up and running! If you arranged to have a poster put in your school, please keep an eye on them until the contest is over. The theme is "Why I Love My City" and all entrys are due to the city hall by Feb.12th. There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
This is a one-page essay, sponsored by West Point Youth Council. Put name and phone number on back of essay.

Tonights meeting is a treat. Gary Hill will speak to us about "how a bill is passed". After the meeting, we will be attending the Retirement Home.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January is here!!

Wow, the new year has started. Meeting attendance has been a great success! I look forward to seeing you all tonight. We will discuss some upcoming issues and events! We'll always be done by 6:00 on the first Wednesdays meeting, and 6:30 on the third Wednesdays meeting.

Our last meeting on December 16th went very well at the Retirement Home. The Elderly were especially happy to recieve fuzzy blankets and books for Christmas. Thanks to all who attended and took part in any way. They also very much enjoyed the music! Thanks kids for sharing your talents!