Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fire Prevention Night

Hey guys guess what? We've been asked to volunteer right behind the Ciy Hall fom 6:00-8:00 on October 6th at the Fire Station. We need someone to wear the Sparky, and the Smokey Bear costume, and others to help with cookies and punch, and games. Please contact me if you want to be in costume- 776-9164.

Also, our movie night will be Friday Sept. 24th. Sorry for the confusion! Hope you all can make it!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Awards Banquet

Hey guys... it's time for the Party! Friday September 17th is a movir party at City Hall from 7:00- 10:00. So bring your friends, treats and a good movie. We'll decide which one to watch when we get there. Oh and hey, free snow cones for everyone!

Also it's time for the Awards Banquet on Wednesday September 15th. I hope you all make it, and bring your family! A light dinner will be served!