Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer Games

This is such a tremendous opportunity for the youth to not only get to know other kids from around Utah, but to be a part of one of the biggest youth service projects in Utah this year. This will be a publicized event and having lasting impressions on our youth.... building character, and respect for others needs. We will also be passing on the traditional Golden Buffalo!

September 12th
East Park in West Point
Bring 2 potluck dishes and service project

Ideas for service projects:
toys for childrens orphanages
blocks that need painted
puppets that need sewn
shirts/tie dyed or stensiled
fleece blankets that need tied
books that need repaired
toys that need cleaned
shoes donated
friendship bracletts
Homeless/Womens Shelter
hygeine kits
Garland Youth Council has requested that each council member bring a can of food. If your council wants their service project to be a donation, please let me know ASAP so I can post it!