Tuesday, April 27, 2010

News News News

Easter Hunt was a great success. Thank you for all your help wonderful council members!
This was our book sorting/ donation project that went to ChristmasBox, Africa English Schools, and Safe Harbor. Even the Local Elementary School enjoyed recieving some books.

We so appreciate everyone that attended the monthly visit to the Retirement Home. It was a wonderful service opportunity as usual.

ALL Youth Council members that can attend the Teacher Appreciation Assembly, it will be Thursday at 8:30- 10:15. You'll need rides to and from, and don't forget to wear your Youth Council t-shirt. We will be handing out the gifts to the teachers as they come up, performing "We're going to be friends" by the WhiteStripes, and leading the children in applauding their teachers. The assembly is a mini- Academy Awards for the teachers.

On May 1st, we will be helping pull weeds along the Bluff Trail. This volunteer work will be joined as a community in "Pride in West Point Day". We may also be asked to serve the donutes/juice if they need us. Just meet at the City Hall at 9:00.

We have a FaceBook site now. Just request West Point and sign up! She's a lovely girl!!!:)

Now, last but not least... we are planning a Youth Council Skate night at the Ice Sheet in Ogden. The tentative date is May 14th at 7:00. You will be responsible for getting to and from the event.

The 2-day art camp doesn't look like it will happen. Our City Manager did not approve it.:(

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

With 10,000 eggs to fill, our Youth Council should definetly be commended! We also had a terrific turn-out at 8:00 am to spread the eggs in the different age divisions! I am so grateful, and very proud of all of you. Thank you so very much.