Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Success! Well done Youth Council

First thank you all so much for the successful Veteran Program Saturday. It was our most attended progran yet. Good Job. Thanks for everything.

The blanket project is up and running. It was announced at the Northern Wasatch Rotary meeting last night to donate adult blankets and can personalize them with a note to the Soldier (attached). The blankets can be gently used. If any youth council member is interested please bring them to our next meeting or city hall. We will have some fleece to tie at our next meeting. As a council we plan to write notes to soldiers as well.

We plan to place flags on graves Friday after school at the cemetary from approximately 2:30-3:30. The Standard Examiner will probably be there to take pictures and place a story in the newspaper.

Youth Council's project of uniform recycling that we started ion the summer had a successful and happy ending. We just donated 63 shirts, 38 soccer shorts, and soccer socks to Bruce Powell who will take them to Mexico! All the other donations of cleats, and gear will be donated to the Ogden Rec. Center. This is a continueing project, and Bruce plans to take another trip in Febuary to Mexico.

Friday, November 4, 2011

So excited for a new year with all of you!

Swearing in ceremony was awesome! Good Job on the meeting after conducted and taught by the youth volunteers! The week was a busy one with our meeting the next day, Retirement Home visit following. Then Friday our Halloween Carnival for the city. Saturday ended the week with the Retreat. Oh, so awesome to hear from Katja Neil from West Germany and her experiences with growing up by East Germany, communism, watching the Berlin wall come down, loving America for "keeping them alive," and joining the US Army! Then Games, and unity experiences! After, we got to hear from Claire Peterson a refugee volunteer who informed us of their need, and some interesting stories! We planned to set up a soccer game with the refugees in the spring! So fun!

Our meeting November 2nd went well! We are loving our new council. You guys are dedicated with a big group supporting our meeting, and activities. We planned the Veteran Program for Saturday. Be at the cemetary at 9:00 to do flags, then 10:00 for the program! Boys if you want to be in the flag ceremony wear your Boy Scout Shirts! Also, thanks to Chenille and Alli for the city council report Tuesday! Way to go!

Don't forget to friend Westpointyouthcouncil on FB!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We are thrilled to have our new council sworn in Tuesday, October 18th. Everyone that applied for Youth Council will be accepted! Woohoo, a council of about 40 kids! We're going to have a blast!

I hope everyone understands that we understand if you can't make it to everything! That's the beauty of this organization. Come when you can... we aren't going to ever change our meeting times. They are always the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month. After the 3rd Wednesday's meeting we always walk over to the Retirement Home and visit! The officers are required to find someone to fill in for them at meetings or other events when they have responsibilities so things run smoothly. If they do a "no show" then it counts for an unexcused absence... get three and the office is given to the next in line. If this happens, we still need you as a part of the council- so please still come when you can! Our council is run by the youth, and we depend on you, as does our city for events to run smoothly!

Meeting Wednesday @ 5:30
Halloween Carnival @ 7:00 (come at 3:00 if you want to decorate the Haunted House)

Please plan on coming to the Retreat on Saturday! This is the time of planning the year, and uniting the council, not to mention having a blast and learning great leadership skills!
It's a busy week so do what you can! See ya there!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What a wonderful tour to Energy Solutions Facility to find out what happens to all the radioactive waste and how it's disposed of. A big thanks to the folks there who provided a Le Bus and awesome lunches for us all. We'll for sure do that again next year. If anyone is interested in majoring in Chemical Engineering they have a great scholorship opportunity!

Our next volunteer opportunity is the black tie Senior Dinner on Aug. 12th. Hope you can all make it.

We donated a big ol' box of produce from the community garden to the Family Connection Center and a box of hygeine needs to the Phillipines this same week. Ahhh, it's good to help where we can! Great job Youth Council!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Way to go Michael - Mayor for June!

The 5-K was a great success with about 135 applicants! We appreciate all your support!

Wow! Great job youth at the summer games. West Haven too the Golden Buffalo home with a win and a successful turn-out with over 40 kids attending!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

4th of JULY Celebrations!

Hey everyone, You can volunteer on Monday from 10:30-3:00 and from 6:00-8:00 at the Loy Blake Park. Just call me and I'll let you know details. We need all the help we can get so don't hesitate! Also, join us for the parade. Come to the Brown church(2300W. 550N.) for line-up at 7:45am Monday morning and throw some candy with us!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

5-K/ Summer Games Information

Hey guys... I've recieved good response on this. Alpine, Clinton, and South Weber are planning on joining us at this point. If anyone has the following items, we will need them at the race.

orange vests or flags

5gallon water container

We have all other needed items.

I wanted to appreciate all those who helped with the garden after our first meeting this month. Also, the assembly was a great success. The kids LOVED it and I'm sure the Teachers felt very happy too with their big Fan Club! And last but not least, the painting was a blast. Thanks a million for all who helped. We have the best kids ever!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Great job it's Katelynn Davidson- Mayor for May!

Thanks for an awesome Egg Hunt YC Kids. You guys are so great! Everyone volunteered in such a respectful way! WooHoo! Love you guys-

Kids we've got some fun events up ahead...

Teacher Appreciation Assembly on Thursday May 5th at 1:00-2:00 at Lakeside Elementary. This is a blast as the YC puts on the Academy Awards for the teachers. Red carpet, escorts, camera men, and gold handed out! Please come if you can. Have your parent check you out.

YC Garden is on the corner of 3000W and 550N. We will tend this garden after our 1st meeting of each month until September or harvest time. We will have a pumpkin growing contest. All food will be donated to those in need in our community.

Pride in West Point Day is Saturday. They have us painting the sheds at the cemetary and water tower on Bluff Trail. Wear old clothes... it may turn into a paint fight!

Last of all, We are preparing for our 5-K June 11th. We will hand out fliers at our meeting Wed. with further information.

oh I guess that's not all... LAGOON! That's right. It's going to be a blast. Pay $10.00 to the City Office and you're good to go. We are planning on going July 20th. CPR training in the morning first then off to Lagoon.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May is almost here!

All YC kids... Yipee! We get to go to Lagoon for our next Retreat which happens to be July 20th. Meet at City Hall at 8:30 as we will be instructed and certified in CPR! Each recipient will recieve their certification card! So Woo Hoo - you can go save someone's life.. if they're choking! SO EVERYONE THAT PLANS ON GOING TO LAGOON GO PAY $10.00 TO CITY HALL. MAKE CHECKS OUT TO WEST POINT CITY! This will be a blast. Also, remember our Summer Games 5-K on June 11th! Come to our meetings and help plan and organize. Don't miss out on the fun!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Meeting News

OK kids... we just had our meeting tonight. We decided our Lagoon Day will be Wednesday, July 20th. We'll meet here at City Hall at 8:00 A.M. to learn CPR and then off to Lagoon for an all day Retreat. Yipee! Also, we need kids to volunteer to represent the Youth Council at a Rotary Meeting on April 12th. If anyone is interested in volunteering and getting a candy bar, and feeling like a useful engine please call me...soon!:) I'll give you all the details. FUN FUN Thanks again everyone. You're awesome!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April's Mayor is Bryce Allen! Good job Drake Thompson!

Egg filling with all the youth council, and support from residents in our City! A Big Thank You!

USU Leadership Conference in Logan. 2nd place winner Award of Excellence- Large Council
Division of 20 or more Youth Council Members!

April is here and Spring has Sprung! Woo Hoo

It was such an exciting night at our last meeting that truly has jumped us ahead in our responsibilities with the Easter Egg Hunt. The EGGS are done! Yipee. So now for April we can focus on the actual day of the hunt which is 23rd at 9:00. We need everyone to be there at 8:00 to spread and distribute the eggs. Someone needs to be Peter Cottontail, and two people are needed to take pictures. This will all be discussed at our meeting on the 6th. We'll go over other business as well like... Pride in West Point Day, Project Ryan, Web page, Lagoon Retreat, Rotary Club, and our Summer 5-K! So much to plan, and so much to be a part of! Way to go all Youth Council Kids! You're the best. You're dedicated, and passionate about bettering the world around you... starting right here in your community!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thank you Thank you Thank you

At our Meeting on March 16th we were able to fill all the easter eggs, assemble 45 hygeine kits, visit the Retirement Home, and see Kyle Guatimala Presentation! We could not have done all this without the help and support from so many wonderful youth and groups in our community! We love and appreciate you all! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

These great pictures are from the wonderful retreat on Feb. 26th. Chet and Leanne Tripp let us have some great experiences at their gym, and they shared some cool stories from their lives.

Some Fun YC Pictures

What a good lookin' group of kids! You're so awesome! More than 2300 hours of volunteer work will benefit our community this year!
Fire Prevention Night at the Fire Station!

Legislator Day January 26th! We were priviledged to hear Larry Gelwix- the Rugby Coach speak, and meet Gary Thorup a lobbyist, and Mr. Christensen- Sandy Representative!

Sledding was lots of fun in January! Oranges, and treats, races down the hill and of course hot chocolate to warm up those freezing fingers!

Mayor for March is Drake Thompson!

We just had a fabulous Retreat thanks for Tami for planning such a great day full of motivational speakers like Chet and Leanne Tripp, and Hiedi Crocket! We loved the gym and had a great lunch, and then ended the evening with movie "Glory Road".

We will start filling easter-eggs on March 16th meeting so plan to stay abit longer if you can. Pizza provided for dinner! Tell anyone you know... friends, scout troops, activity day groups, school clubs, etc. because we can use all the help! I figure it'll take us about 3 hours!

Also, on March 19th we have the opportunity to tour the Roadhome Homeless shelter. If you want to come along meet at my house at 8:45 on saturday morning! We will be dropping off hygeine kits for them!

Thanks again to all of you wonderful YC kids! Thanks for your help with Literacy Night Mar. 3rd. You guys are amazing!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who benefits more?

As I've observed you wonderful Youth Council kids serving in our community I've seen character grow. Just last Wednesday when we visited the elderly at the Retirement Home, I saw you practice good communication (as we practiced in our meeting before) reaching out, and really listening to what these wonderful people have to say! Sometimes, ok- most of the time you have to really try hard to ask them questions and get them talking. You have to really show interest, and care about them. Just yesterday, on the news they said that kids in todays world who play excessive, T.V. and video games find it difficult to stay focused in a conversation because it is boring compared to the high energy games and world around them. By serving and reaching out to the Elderly we become compassionate as we realize we all live facing the same fears, anxiousness at times, but also joys, and peacefulness we contribute to the world around us. And so it is, living and reaching out making this world a better place, and thus having more peace and contentment in our own lives!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mayor for Febuary is Trent Yeates!

Hey kids, some fun activities await us this month. Yikes we're already in almost two weeks, but at our next meeting we'll frost cookies for the Elderly at the Retirement Home. We'll also plan out and assign responsibilities to assist the PTA at Lakeside for the Book night on March 3rd. Thanks also to all the help and support you wonderful Youth Council kids and parents are to the program!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Register by Feb. 9th with at least $60.00

At our last meeting we announced for all YC kids who were interested in attending USU leadership conference to pay at least $25.00 by Feb. 9th so we can register. This has changed to $60.00 because that's the amount they refuse to reimburse if someone decides they can't go after they've registered. I feel so bad that we've had to "up" the amount. Please have the total paid by the end of Febuary which is $150.00. Remember this is TOTALLY optional and we have similar activities at our "retreats" like the one back in Oct. Our next retreat will be in Febuary!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Registration for USU Leadership Conference by Febuary 9th.

Hey Kids,
The time is soon approaching and registration needs to be done for the Conference. This is an optional activity that costs $150.00 each person who attends. You must go into the City Hall to pay your fee and recieve a reciept by Febuary 9th. Remember there are scholorship applications for those wanting to attend, but may not have financing available. Please take care of this by Feb. 9th as well. Thank you so much- please call me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January! Wow it's the New Year!

Youth Council officers for January are the same except our new Mayor is Sarah Zvonkovic! A job well done to Sara Harward for December. Events for this month of January include our monthly retirement home visit and sledding on the hill behind Syracuse High School. We'll vote at the meeting for date and time! Also a heads up on the essay contest we're putting oon for West Point residents! I encourage all of you to enter. Good Luck!