Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pick up your application for 2009-2010 Y.C.

We are entering a new year of activities! The new council will be selected, and sworn in October! Pick up your application at the City Hall. Make sure you turn it in by September 30th! We look forward to a great new year ahead!

September Service Day

Wow! What a great success with 75 Hygiene Kits and School Kits assembled and donated to the Safe Harbor and Utah Food Bank. We actually collected the most supplies of 2, 345 which won us the Golden Buffalo!! Yah for the scavenger hunt!!!

Speaker, Paul Spackman was a great motivational
lift for the kids! Taking inititive, being leaders among peers, and knowing true worth!!

Clinton City joined us for this great celebration!

Yep... this years winners of the Golden Buffalo!